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捍衛作為一個中國人的尊嚴 (王潔茜提供) (04/09/16)

Defend the dignity of being a Chinese

Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5? 數學家:如何把4寫到5之間?
India: Is this a Joke? 印度:這是在開玩笑嗎?
Japan: Impossible! 日本:不可能!
America: The question's wrong!! 美國:這個問題是錯誤的!
UK: Rubbish !! 英國:垃圾!
China: F(IV)E 中國:F(IV)E
This is the reason you find Chinese everywhere in the world in finance, business, medicine, engineering & arts...anything to do with optimizing your brain!!

British: Can you swim? 英國:你會游泳嗎?
Chinese: No 中國:不會
British: Then a dog is better than you because it swims. 英國:那狗比你好,因為牠會游泳。
Chinese: Can you swim? 中國:你會游泳嗎?
British: Yes! 英:是的!
Chinese: Then what's the difference between you and the dog… 中國:那么你和狗那有什么區別...
British Shocked!! 英國震驚!
Chinese Rocks! 中國搖晃!

European : Why do you Chinese come in all colors; look at us, we are all white..? 歐洲:為什麼中國人帶來所有的顏色;看我們,我們都是純一白色的..?
Wong Fei Hoong: Horses too come in different colors but donkeys are all the same..!!! 黃飛鴻先生:馬也有不同的顏色,但驢子却都是一樣的.. !!!

Send to all Chinese all over the globe! 發給全球各地所有的中國人吧!